Thursday, April 11, 2013

Laundry Soap

i like making things, i like saving money, and although i'm not a super heath freak i like having at least a better idea of what is actually in the thins i'm using. so, i am trying my hand at making all sorts of things. 

here is the laundry soap i made recently. 

 one batch of this stuff makes about 4 gallons of dry soap. you only need 2-3 tablespoons per load. i'm thinking even with the crazy amount of laundry that we do this will last for a whole year. and it cost me about $25 to make. not too shabby. also this stuff is great for sensitive skin (i would know, i have it) and it works great in HE washers.

ingredients are Borax, Baking Soda, Oxi Clean, Fels-naptha soap, Washing Soda, and (optional) sent crystals. i decided to use the sent crystals because i like that extra boost of sweet smells, but you don't really NEED them the soap leaves your clothes very fresh and sent free.
for the better pictures and instructions check out THIS BLOG where i got my "recipe" from

since we are currently laundromat users i decided that putting the soap into a nice glass jar was probably not the best idea. i just dumped some of the finished product back into the oxi clean container. its perfect for transporting and it's one less thing for me to buy. i will probably spray paint the container at some point to make it a little more "fancy"

It's me as a Meme!

After reading my first post, about my horrible encounter with a bug, my younger brother made this meme for me. now i'm like...famous! okay... maybe not...but still, having my very own meme is exciting. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Real life horror story

i had a recent encounter with a rather large bug that crawled out of my laundry basket. i am not a fan of bugs, in general, and even less so when i am not feeling well, as i was the night of this encounter. the damn thing crawled right out of my dirty laundry hamper (which up until that point i was thinking about moving so i could go do laundry). it looked like a normal roach of some kind and I've dealt with lots of those so i, of course, was still fairly calm at this point, and i went to find something to smash it with. when  i returned to my room, flip flop in hand, ready to attack i found that the roach had not moved, but then as soon as i got close that sucker took off at lightening speed (and i swear grew a few extra legs, it was truly supernatural) in a fraction of a second i no longer had any idea where to find my tormentor and panic set it. after a short look around, still panicking  i decided i would just get into bed and wait it out.  that's when these post started to flow from my fingers

"pretty sure i wont get any sleep tonight and in fact i may just die. there is a bug...possibly a roach...that just crawled out of my laundry basket and now i can't find it this what a heart attack feels like"


"seriously. i'm too afraid of a damn bug to go use the jon. what have i become!?!?!?!
sleep deprived, i've become sleep deprived..."

you may have seen them, you may have even laughed. but as ridiculous as it is it was genuine fear that had consumed me. i spent the remainder of my night in a state of constant fear. i tried to watch a few shows and pretend i didn't care, but all i could think about was that bug...and the fact that it was still lurking somewhere in my room. eventually i did fall asleep, thanks to being ill and all worked up over a bug i didn't get much good sleep. however, when i woke up in the morning i no longer cared about the bug. although, i would still like to know where it got off to. i really hope that when i move my laundry it doesn't pop up again, i'd hate to have a relapse.